I talk to award-winning Prof. Stephen Krashen, one of the most prolific and most cited scholars in the language education about his groundbreaking theory of language acquisition.
We’ll look at the untapped potential of autism and some of the misconceptions and challenges surrounding it, as well as where people on the spectrum outperform neurologically typical individuals.
Lasse Rheingans hat die 25-Stunden-Arbeitswoche bei sich im Unternehmen eingeführt - bei gleichem Gehalts- und Urlaubsanspruch. Mehr dazu in der Episode!
This episode explores why organizations rise and fall, by interviewing the authors of The Illusion of Invincibility: The Rise and Fall of Organizations Inspired by the Incas of Peru, trying to answer the fundamental challenge that every organization has: How do established companies continue to stay competitive and innovate within an ever-changing environment?
In this episode we explore what makes Norway’s prisons the most humane, and innovative prisons systems in the world, how Norway went from a nation of pillaging Vikings full of violence, murder and revenge and to a country where peace and forgiveness came to triumph, how we, as a society, reconcile the need for retribution and punishment for heinous crimes and the need for reintegration of criminals back into society and much, much more.